Sunday, September 20, 2009

How do peers influence stereotyping?

One way a person stereotypes others is by influence brought by their peers. This is especially true during the teenage years when everyone's just trying to fit in. Fitting in means everyone in a certain group shares some of the same qualities. The members of that group all consider themselves to be "normal". They think they are superior to people in other groups. In order to keep their feeling of superiority, the members of the group stereotype other groups. When students have peers around them they tend to do or say things they usually wouldn't in an effort to fit in. An example of this would be, a boy showing off in gym class because he sees girls watching him. Peers are a big influence on stereotpying because of the desire for teens to fit in.


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  2. Make sure your post is at least 200 words. Can you find something online to link to your post (and thus provide "expert" testimony or support)?
